Did you know that psoriasis affects more than 7.5 million US adults? This disease is caused by dysfunction of the immune system. Psoriasis causes inflammation in the body and shows visible signs of raised plaques (superficial lesions) and scales all over the skin.
What Causes Psoriasis?
Although the actual reason for the disease is unknown, psoriasis occurs because the immune system is overactive and has a skin turnover seven times faster than normal. Normally the skin cells would grow off and shed, but with psoriasis, the skin cells pile up on the surface.
Psoriasis Symptoms
Plaque psoriasis can appear all over the body, although typically, they are found on the knees, scalp, and elbows. Scalp psoriasis appears in around 50% of those who suffer from psoriasis. Symptoms often begin between the ages of 15 and 25, with no preference for sex or skin colour.
Typical symptoms can include itchy, burning, and stinging sensations wherever plaques and scales appear. Plaques can look different depending on the skin type. Scratching the plaques can cause them to thicken, so treating the skin with a mix of medication and moisturizing creams is highly recommended.
Psoriasis Treatment
The most common treatment includes cortisone-type ointments, but continued use can cause irreversible thinning. Adding Dermal Therapy lotions can help smooth and soften the skin, through a combined moisturizing action of both urea and alpha-hydroxy acid (lactic acid).
Dermal Therapy Alpha Hydroxy Lotion
With a perfectly balanced combination of 10 % urea and 10 % alpha hydroxy acid, problem skin will benefit from much-needed soothing and relief. Your skin will be able to hold moisture better, and the alpha hydroxy acids will exfoliate old dry skin that it has trouble doing due to psoriasis.
Dermal Therapy Body Wash
Our unique, sulfate-free wash helps to leave your skin hydrated, smooth, and refreshed. A gentle combination of 5 % urea and citric acid (AHA) works to hydrate cracked skin. This formula also contains green tea, a powerful antioxidant that works to soothe your skin.
Psoriasis: Signs and symptoms (aad.org)
Psoriasis: Causes, Triggers and Treatments: National Psoriasis Foundation