When working with chemicals, one should always be careful. If you’re exposed to chemicals through your work, you are obligated to follow The Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS).
In this skin condition section, we’re going to highlight potential skin conditions that can develop due to contact with one or more chemicals. Oftentimes the skin can become irritated by exposure, and a rash or Contact Dermatitis can develop. For others, they may develop skin allergies to the exposure.
What is Dermal Absorption?
Dermal absorption is when the chemical is absorbed through the skin and travels into the body into the bloodstream. On the surface, it is the stratum corneum that is affected first, and the symptoms will first appear directly on the skin, such as through a rash or as red, itchy patches.
When the chemicals go beyond the stratum corneum, they can be absorbed into the bloodstream and can damage the organs and in severe cases, may cause harmful health conditions to occur. The level of absorption is dependent on a few main factors.
First, the concentration and the physical and chemical properties of the chemical. Next, how long the skin and chemical were in contact. Lastly, skin integrity; is the skin already damaged from dryness or another skin condition and the thickness and water content of the outer skin level.
Exposure to Chemicals Treatment
As we mentioned above, one of the main skin conditions that can develop from exposure is Contact Dermatitis. This condition is described on its own page, but as a summary, the result can lead to any of the following, pain, itching, redness, swelling, dry, flaking skin, small blisters or wheals.
If you find that you are regularly exposed to chemicals through your work or leisure activities, such as painting, developing a custom skincare routine is a great way to protect your skin. Hobbies such as knitting, crafting, or gardening can also dry your hands because these dry materials can pull moisture out of the skin. We suggest on top of the following products, to wear gloves for extra protection whenever possible.
Dermal Therapy Barrier Protection Lotion
Enriched with 10% urea and silk proteins, our unique formula creates a protective shield on your skin’s surface, where you need it most. It seals in moisture allowing your skin to retain its natural hydration more effectively and works to prevent severe dryness and itching.
Dermal Therapy Hand, Elbow & Knee Cream
Because exposure is often on the hands, this specialized targeted cream works to provide relief from Contact Dermatitis symptoms of itchiness, red, painful dry spots, and dry, flaking skin. And its non-greasy feel is perfect for those who want relief so they can get back quickly to doing what they love.